Nur. to Class 5th
As per the CBSE stipulations, Schools generally are not permitted to retain students in these classes, however, if a student is found struggling with the curriculum and consistently does not show any improvement at all, we would like to hold a personal meeting with the parents to counsel them about their child. The sole objective of the first counseling session, which would take place after the first semester, is to give the child an opportunity to work harder to perform better.
CBSE Classes 6th to 9th
In order to provide sufficient scope and space for different abilities of different students the number of significant co-scholastic areas (Work Education, Art Education; Health & Physical Education) has been included in the assessment scheme.
As far as overall assessment of a student for the purpose of promotion to next class is concerned, the following points will be adhered to:
Every student is required to get a qualifying grade 'D' or above in all the subjects in the Scholastic Area
A student getting grade 'E' in scholastic areas in one or more subjects will have to improve his/her performance in one subsequent attempt to obtain qualifying Grade
'D' in these subjects.
90% attendance is imperative.